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  • Please fill this form out in the company of the young person you are referring.
  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR REFERER: Please only complete this form is you are referring a young person who has been affected by youth violence. If you are unsure of whether a young person meets this criteria, please contact us on Chris@talkofftherecord.org to discuss. If you would like to refer a young person for other reasons, please ask the young person to self-refer here.
Referrer details
Young person's information
e.g. Mother, Uncle, Foster Parent
Further information:
Below please give us more information regarding your concerns for this Young Person, including
Young persons view:
What does the young person want to get from the support, is there anything they want to achieve as a result of their work with us? E.g.; "To work on my anger"
Referrer Agreement:
If yes, you'll receive an email within 48 hours.

Call us

Support Line 0800 980 7475

Monday to Saturday, 3 to 6pm

Croydon Service 020 8251 0251

Merton Service 020 3984 4004

Sutton Service 020 8680 8899